Top 5 Most Popular Sports in the World

Popular Sports
Sports is one thing that keeps an individual fit. There are a lot of sports in the world followed by fans all around the world like Cricket, Football, Lawn Tennis, Hockey, Volleyball, Basketball, Tabel Tennis, Kabaddi, and many more. There is much discussion on which sport is the most popular worldwide. What sports are the most popular and why are they so popular are hot topics for debate. Do you know how much football is followed, or Hockey or Golf, perhaps? Which is the most popular, though?
Exploring the Worldwide Craze: Top 5 Most Popular Sports:
5. Volleyball – Over 900 Million Fans:
On the fifth number comes the game of Volleyball. It has a fanbase of over 900 Million. This sport is played only with hands. A single team can hit the ball maximum of three times before getting across the net. The game is played in five sets and the team wins three out of the five wins the game. The team reaching 25 points first wins the set. The top teams in Volleyball for men are Poland, Italy, the United States of America, Brazil, and Japan. For women, the top teams are Turkey, the United States of America, Italy, Brazil, and Serbia.